Vintage Classic Visionaire ($5000+):
Your contribution will celebrate the accomplishments of Bigger Vision of Athens while enabling us to put on the most outstanding event possible. Your sponsorship package will include:
● 6 event tickets
● 2 booth vendor options
● Personalized Plaque recognizing sponsorship level to display in your place of
● Official "Vintage Classic Visionaire Sponsor" member shown on screen during the event with individual logo
● Four special mentions on social media in individual posts as donor highlight/spotlight with link to website
● Video shoutout from BVOA staff and Board Members on social media and monthly
● Company name on the event banner beneath “Vintage Classic Visionaire"
● Shout-out on stage during the event
● VIP photo opportunities and classic car photo-op before/after the event
● One-on-one interview in our newsletter
● Top recognition at all fundraising events
● Invitation to tour Bigger Vision, including photo-op
● Recognition on the BVOA website with hyperlinked logo
As a Vintage Classic Visionaire, you will provide two of our Emergency Shelter guests with 150 nights of shelter, 300 meals, and consistent access to basic necessities, at no cost to those we serve.
Hot-Rod Racer ($2500+):
Your contribution puts the pedal to the metal in making this event a reality. Your sponsorship package will include:
● 5 event tickets
● Booth vendor option
● Personalized Plaque recognizing sponsorship level to display in your place of business
● Official "Hot-Rod Racer Sponsor" member shown on screen during the event
● Two special mentions on social media and newsletter in individual posts as donor highlight/spotlight with link to the company website
● Video shoutout from BVOA staff on social media and monthly newsletter
● Company name on the event banner beneath “Hot-Rod Racer"
● Shout-out on stage during the event
● Invitation to tour Bigger Vision of Athens, including photo-op
● Classic car photo-op before/after the event
● Recognition on the BVOA website with hyperlinked logo
As a Hot-Rod Racer, you will provide one of our Emergency Shelter guests with 150 nights of shelter, 300 meals, and consistent access to basic necessities, at no cost to
those we serve.
Roadster-Driver ($1000+):
Named after George Bugg's 1931 Ford Model A Roadster Convertible, your sponsorship package will include:
● 4 event tickets
● Two table vendor option
● Official "Roadster-Driver Sponsor" member shown on screen during the event
● Special mention on social media and newsletter in individual posts as donor
highlight/spotlight with link to website
● Company name on the event banner beneath “Roadster-Driver"
● Shout-out on stage during the event
● Invitation to tour Bigger Vision of Athens, including photo-op
● Recognition on the BVOA website with hyperlinked logo
As a Roadster-Driver, you will provide one of our Emergency Shelter guests with 60 nights of shelter, 120 meals, and consistent access to basic necessities at no cost to
those we serve.
Huckster-Trucker Level ($500+):
Named after George Bugg's restored and thematically decorated 1928 Ford Huckster Truck, your sponsorship package will include:
● 3 event tickets
● Single table vendor option
● Official "Huckster-Trucker Sponsor" member shown on screen during the event
● Special mention on social media and newsletter in individual posts as donor highlight/spotlight with link to website
● Company name on the event banner beneath “Huckster-Trucker"
● Recognition on the BVOA website with hyperlinked logo
As a Huckster-Trucker Your sponsorship provides one of our Emergency Shelter guests with 30 nights of shelter, 60 meals, and consistent access to basic necessities, at no cost to those we serve.
Rambler-Rider Level ($250+):
Named for the “Rambler” tertiary seat included on Pre-War Ford Coupes, your sponsorship package will include:
● 2 event tickets
● Official "Rambler-Rider Sponsor" member shown on screen during the event
● Company name on the event banner beneath “Rambler-Rider"
● Recognition on the BVOA website with hyperlinked logo
As a Rambler-Rider Your sponsorship helps provide one of our Emergency Shelter guests with 15 nights of shelter, 30 meals, and consistent access to basic necessities, at no cost to those we serve.