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Become a Board Member!

Are you passionate about our mission? Apply to be a board member!

Our board meets monthly to review Bigger Vision's operations, strategic goals, and action plans for the year. Fill out the form below if you're interested in interviewing for a board position, and someone will reach out to you within the next few weeks.  

For Your Reflection

As you consider joining the board, here are some questions to consider:

Is Bigger Vision the right cause and organization for me?
Approach this decision as if you were planning to make a major donation. This is your time and energy being invested here after all. Ask yourself whether you truly feel strongly about the type of work Bigger Vision does and the people we serve. Is our mission a cause you feel personally passionate about?


Can I work with Bigger Vision and this board at this particular stage in its life?
At one time in an organization’s life, board service may be fairly smooth with a few bumps, while at another time, board service may involve a hair-raising roller coaster ride (of course, an unexpected event can throw any board for a loop). What type of board seems right for you right now?


What can I, and what will I, contribute to Bigger Vision?
What skills, contacts, and perspectives do I have that will be useful to this organization? How, specifically, will the board use what I can bring? Often as board members, we find that some of our talents and contacts never seem to get utilized by the boards we’re on. Perhaps you gave up a music career for accounting or have writing skills that are not used at your job. Perhaps your network includes dozens of influential community leaders. Consider first what you bring to the table, and then, whether you are willing to give that to Bigger Vision. Ask yourself: Do I believe in this organization enough to introduce my friends to it? Can I commit the time and energy actively participating on the board would require of me? Can I volunteer with other board members outside of scheduled meeting times? Would I feel comfortable having my name on Bigger Vision’s marketing materials?


What do I want to get out of being on this board?
An all-too-common experience for board members at the ends of their terms is a feeling that they never really got deeply involved and don’t, as a result, feel that they contributed as much, or got as much, as they had hoped from the experience when they first joined. Board members who plan and ask for what they want in the board will contribute more as well as gain more. The right time to ask these questions is before, not after, you have joined the board.

Do you have experience working with unsheltered individuals or individuals with mental health challenges?
Have you worked with Bigger Vision as an employee, volunteer, or previous guest?
Which your skills would you utilize on the board? Check all that apply:

Board Member Expectations

I. Board Members are required to serve a minimum of 2-4 hours of monthly volunteer service at Bigger Vision, in addition to attending monthly board meetings. 

II. Board members must abide by Bigger Vision's conflicts-of-interest policy while serving on the board.

III. Board members are expected to treat Bigger Vision's guests, volunteers, staff, and fellow board members with the kindness, dignity, and respect. 

IV. All Board Members are required to participate and assist with the planning, execution, and coordination of fundraising initiatives, including annual events, hosted by the Bigger Vision of Athens. 

Thanks for submitting!

Phone: 706-340-6062


Physical Address:

95 North Avenue

Athens, Georgia 30601


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 8022

Athens, Georgia, 30603

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